Well, test drive number 6, I've spent a good 1-2 hours on this but won't complete it to perfection I'm afraid. I signed up for delicious and didn't realise it would appear automatically on my home web page, and have only just discovered that my old list is still there with a click of a button..phew!! Technorati I just breezed over, my computer has just slowed right down and it's painful looking into every link, and the Libray Thing site I was impressed with but once again due to time I didn't complete the adventure.
I can see all these applications being well utilised in the library scene, and as presented already at library sites they are in use and being used well. It can only get better! Library staff are an innovative and creative breed and I look forward to keeping up to date with the use of all these technologies and becomig creative myself!
Thank you for this opportunity of gaining an insight into all of these web applications. I will spend more time exploring and learning now that I've seen them in action. And will be able to understand when my won children start flinging these phases around.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
#5 RSS
Well I can think of a few names for RRS and it certainly wouldn't be the offical words. The bloglines bit went sort of OK and then I thought I'd 'have a go' at adding one (ie a RSS) to my blog, but after entering various URL's on various topics, gave up, I've already spent too much time in front of the screen - 3 hours or more - so my son says (who is home sick from school) did I really find it that hard to do .... must have, it certainly wasn't the recommended 20 minutes!
In reagrds to libraries they would be great if already set up with links from the library home page (so long as they didn't have me involved creating them!!) I'd use them! I do understand the process better after doing this test drive and would have enjoyed the experience more if I wasn't socially isoated in front of the screen at home on my own. Having another person exploring the same test drive on a computer nearby would 've made the learning far better!
Till the next test!
In reagrds to libraries they would be great if already set up with links from the library home page (so long as they didn't have me involved creating them!!) I'd use them! I do understand the process better after doing this test drive and would have enjoyed the experience more if I wasn't socially isoated in front of the screen at home on my own. Having another person exploring the same test drive on a computer nearby would 've made the learning far better!
Till the next test!
#4 Social Networking
I've once again been educated by participating in this course, not having any knowledge of social networking before. I'd heard of the phrases "facebook", "twitter" etc, so it's been good to learn more about it. I was motivated to register on face book having just recieved an email from an ex-high school friend (who is organising a school reunion) who has just registed details on face book. I had been a bit reluctant with the poor media coverage it had just recieved, but I bit the bullet and registered - too easy.
The application for libraries would be limitless, being able to link groups, promote events and the list goes on. In an age when half the population spend a lot of time on the internet and not so much out and about socialising, its the next best thing for socialization of some sort for those isolating themselves in their homes in front of a screen.
Until next time!
The application for libraries would be limitless, being able to link groups, promote events and the list goes on. In an age when half the population spend a lot of time on the internet and not so much out and about socialising, its the next best thing for socialization of some sort for those isolating themselves in their homes in front of a screen.
Until next time!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
#3 Wikis
I have just completed number 3 - Wikis. I didn't start a new thread on the site I just posted a comment on a thread already started. It has been a frustrating session due to my computer freezing all the time.
I was impressed by the versitility of Wikis, the various formats they could take and the creativity displayed. I think it is a tool all libraries should use. I was impressed to read on the SLQ site that a few libraries were already using them in the posting of their proceedure manuals etc - I think Antioch Uni Library in New England has set a high standard in the layout of their manual and it was a privilege to be allowed to view freely.
I was impressed by the versitility of Wikis, the various formats they could take and the creativity displayed. I think it is a tool all libraries should use. I was impressed to read on the SLQ site that a few libraries were already using them in the posting of their proceedure manuals etc - I think Antioch Uni Library in New England has set a high standard in the layout of their manual and it was a privilege to be allowed to view freely.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Calm Nature Scene ~ Pretty Scottish Loch
This is my second posting of a scene from flickr to my blogg site. Not only did the photos appeal but also the titles. I felt I needed the "calming" effect of these photos as I have been working my way through test drive #2. I found it easy importing a photo from my computer files hence the photo of the scene for my profile - always behind the camera never in front of it! I found it semi OK uploading photos to flicka, but am finding it very hard making the image that I uploaded availabe for blogging. (I had ticked the public availability) I was just going to blogg my own image to my blog site. It might be an ongoing project. You'll know if I succeed as it is similar to the profile photo - same spot different angle.
Cheers for now!
Cheers for now!
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